Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ordered and Unordered lists

Things that work as far as a web page goes:
Making things easy to read. It is important to take into account that not only what is being read, but how it is laid out and the font make a definite impact on how and how long the web-site is visited.

Choosing a color that doesn't make the reader's eyes scream for the sweet release of death. As in the point above, making things easy to read generally helps out the reader with understanding the information you are trying to present them. Also, if they are clawing their eyes or choking on their own vomit and spittle there is a chance that they may not be returning to your website.

Originality. Anybody can create a page that is flat, cold, and lifeless, but if the viewer wanted that, they would just look into a mirror.
Choosing images carefully is extremely important. A picture of a fish being eaten by a clown riding a jackhammer, while amusing in it's own right, doesn't make me want to visit a site about the joys of free-range gnome tossing. Relevant or tasteful pictures help the validity of a site.

The actual function of the web-site helps out. Trying too hard to make things fancy usually muddles up what the intent of the site and makes things oh so hard to find. We can't be having that, now, can we?

Things that don't work so much........
1. Boring sites. Nothing is worse than clicking on a page that makes you feel like you are at the DMV. There is too much fun to be had making web-sites to click on something that reminds us of our dull, gray lives...........
2. I digress. On the flip side of that is the site that makes you go into an epileptic fit. Anything that requires you to put on sunglasses, especially at night, has got to be bad for your health. And besides, only Corey Hart could pull that one off.
3. A website full of animated .gif images is surely one of the 7 signs of the beast. Avoid this at all costs. except that adorable hamsterdance site. That's acceptable.
4. The Colors, Duke! The Colors! Almost as bad as bright and shiny people are bright and shiny web-sites. I personally don't like to feel like a rainbow is vomiting into my pupils, so I'm going to go ahead and guess that nobody likes it.
5. And finally, the most annoying thing to come out of a computer since the cockroach I once had to clean out of the little fan in the back: midi files. I immediately doom a site with midi files to the land of forgotten crap. I did it with the Atari version of E.T., and by God I'll do it with any web-site that makes me listen to Stairway to Heaven in midi form. Man, now I have Stairway to Heaven stuck in my head.....

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